Slick provides a small set of tools and combinators for building static
websites on top of the Shake build system. Shake is
adaptable, fast, reliable, and caches aggressively so it's a sensible tool for
static-site builds, but figuring out how to get started can be a bit abstract. Slick aims to answer the question of
'how do I get a site building?' while giving you the necessary tools and examples to figure out how to accomplish your
Here's a quick overview of what Slick can do:
Slick uses the Shake build tool; the same used by ghcide! We recommend using Development.Shake.Forward; it auto-discovers which resources it should cache as you go! This means a blazing fast static site builder without all the annoying dependency tracking.
Slick provides helpers for loading in blog-post-like things using Pandoc under the hood;
This means that if Pandoc can read it, you can use it with Slick!
Write your blog posts in Markdown or LaTeX and render it to
syntax-highlighted HTML!
Slick processes Pandoc (and LaTeX) metadata into a usable form (as an
Aeson Value object) which you can manipulate as you please.
Slick wraps Justus Adam's Mustache
library and provides cached template rendering with awareness of changes to templates, partials, and Mustache
It's a thin wrapper so you can still use things like Mustache functions, etc. if you like!
Provides only the individual tools without opinions about how to wire them up; if you want to load blog posts from
a database and render them out using Blaze html; well go ahead, we can help with that!
Provides caching of arbitrary (JSON serializable) objects using Shake resulting in super-fast rebuild times!